Say you meet a new potential customer, a potential employer, or anyone with whom you want to establish a business relationship. Which matters more: Showing that you're skilled, experienced, and capable, or Showing that you're trustworthy and likable? Many people assume that skill, expertise, experience, and competence matter most. After…...
Why ‘Find Your Passion’ is Such Terrible Advice
Are you passionate about your work? Fulfilled in every aspect of your career? If yes, congratulations! You’ve done what we all strive for but rarely achieve. As for the rest of us, there’s hope: Part of why we haven’t found our passion yet is that we tend to give up…...
4 Key Workplace Trends to Expect for 2020
4 Key Workplace Trends to Expect in 2020 Today’s workplace is in a place of constant and exciting change. For one, it’s expected that over 36% of the global workforce will consist of people born after the 1960’s, which means that the workplace – and work place trends – of…...